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Vintage Fair Radio Catalogs
$19.95The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers Texas Instruments Hard Back 1976 Second Edition. Used Poor.
$9.99Motorola Schottky TTL data book 1981. Used Good.
$10.00RCA Linear Integrated Circuits and MOS Devices SSD-201A & 202A 2 Books written & published by RCA Solid State Division Somerville NJ 1973. Edition Not Stated. Paperback. Used Good. Priced as a pair.
$24.95WWII Military Communications Equipment A compilation by Sam Hevener detailed information on USAAF aircraft sets, infantry sets, vehicle sets, countermeasures equipment, intelligence equipment, radar photography, british infantry and aircraft sets, unit radio assignments, navy aircraft sets, vacuum tube cross reference. Lots of interesting information. Reproduction 8.5×11 103pages, comb bound
$10.00Field Wire & Cable Techniques Manual Some of the info inside includes: Splicing Field Wire Wire Laying and Wire Recovering Equipment Pole and Tree Climbing Field Wire Line Construction Air Laying of Field Wire Rapid Construction of Spiral Four Cable on Aerial Supports Maintaining Field Wire Lines Communications Equipment Use in Field Wire Systems 349 pages 6.75"x4.3" (E1N)
$9.50TB 11-6625-274-12/1 Test Data for TV-7/U Tube Tester. High quality reprint of the tube test set-up manual and data table for the military TV-7/U, TV-7A/U, TV-7B/U, and TV-7D/U versions of Hickok tube testers, normally supplied in the lid of the tester, dated 1/62. Also contains operating instructions, conversion table for Army VT numbers, and data table for CV type tubes. 83 pages 1 lb sh. 6.75" x 5.35"
$27.00Teletypewriter Index Navalex 0967-LP-104-0010; Date Nov. 1961 Original
$8.95Radio Pioneers Published in 1945 by the New York section of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) as a keepsake for their Radio Pioneers Dinner in November 1945. You get a history of the IRE from it's beginning in 1908 complete with photos of John Stone Stone Robert Marriott Pickard Kennelly Pupin Pierce Morecroft Langmuir and others. Pictures of early tubes Poulsen in his lab Marconi parabolic reflectors a Fessenden alternator and more. The history is brief fast reading but informative. If you're not up on early radio history this is a fun way to get your feet wet. You'll meet the personalities and discover what they did. Then you can go digging for more information about those topics that sound most interesting. 64 pages.
$30.00Organizational Maintenance Manual TM 9-2320-218-20 covers the popular M151 military vehicle plus the M825 with Recoilless Rifle and the M718 Ambulance Truck. This manual covers preventive maintenance trouble shooting and much more. 3 lbs sh. Reproduction
$20.00"Magnetic Amplifiers" A Rising Star in Naval Electronics by the U.S. Navy (1951) NAVSHIPS 900172. Though the magnetic amplifier was an American invention it languished for years. The Germans took it and developed it for use in rockets and gun stabilizers and industrial uses. 47 pages plus bibliography approx 30 pages. Full size 8.5" x 11". Comb bound reproduction with cover. Shpg wt 1 pound.
$17.50U.S. Armor and Communications (ST 24-18-1) Information on various radio equipment and accessories used by the U.S. military during the 1970's. Used at Army Armor school Ft. Knox. 200+ pages. Tape bound
$7.00ARC Connector Catalog reproduction
$27.00SIGNAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT DIRECTORY GERMAN RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (US WAR DEPARTMENT MANUAL TME 11-227 JUNE 1944) Each radio has a picture specifications and a short comment about each receiver or transmitter. Reproduction 55 pages.
$27.00DIRECTORY OF GERMAN RADAR EQUIPMENT (US WAR DEPARTMENT MANUAL TME 11-219 APRIL 1945) Pictures and drawings of German Radar Equipment to aid the recognition of equipment and components. I suppose this was part of the clean up of war materiel after the war. Reproduction 68 pages.
$35.00MIL-HDBK-213A ELECTRON TUBES CROSS INDEX and TYPE IDENTIFICATION Nov 1963; probably the most and last comprehensive list of tubes used by the U.S. military; 303 pages, reproduction 3 lbs.
$32.50SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS of SIGNAL CORP GROUND RADIO EQUPMENT 1943-47; we selected 32 vehicle and field radios; 228 pp.
$29.95Military List DIRECTORY of OLD SIGNAL CORPS….RADIO EQUIPMENT Aug 1950. 4 pages missing 246 pp: 2 lbs sh.